Classroom Doodles to Restaurant Murals – How One Kid’s Trouble-Turned-Talent Became a Success

They say if you nurture kids’ talents, great things happen, and this also came out true for Joe Whale!

Joe is a 9-year-old who got into trouble for doodling in his class; however, his parents encouraged him to hone his talent by enrolling him into an post-school art class where he got noticed pretty quickly by everyone around. Mr. Gregory Whale – Joe’s father – always noticed and appreciated his son’s talent and wanted him to grow further.

Joe’s got popular so much so that he got invited to decorate the dining room on a restaurant in Shrewsbury, England, where he took almost 12 hours illustrating the wall. And, as the things unfolded, now he has a website and social media pages of his own showcasing his awesome doodling talent.

In fact, he is on his way to becoming a professional artist now. Here’s some of his work.

Many an artist would love the creative freedom that Joe has been given, but unfortunately most get either shut down either by parents or due to some or the other reason. Joe is fortunate that his family is incredibly supportive.

Don’t forget to go through some of the testimonials and appreciation comments that people had about Joe’s talent!