Hi! I am Erica – a single mother. My only son, Dennis, whom I call Dinn with love, is obviously very special to me. And, you’d notice, as the name implies, this website is named after both of us!

I have grown up in a very artful environment and strongly believe that people around the world the highly creative and talented, and all of them deserve to be appreciated. Talent, if you measure, is neither small nor big, it’s just unique – different from others.

While some individuals are born talented, some hone themselves to achieve. And it takes tons and tons of effort and hours and hours of practice to stand out from others.

Coming to the point, as I believe that every talent deserves appreciation, I constantly look out for different types of artists around the world. As I can’t go in every corner of the world, internet is my tool to find the variety of talent that people possess.

Whether it is about creating artwork out of waste or creating a new piece of technology that makes lives of people easier, I appreciate it all. All of it inspires me to a level that I wish to show it to the world, for it deserves to be seen.

Therefore, on this website, www.dinnerica.com, I publish various articles about the talents that I find around the world. My sole purpose is to bring appreciation for all the artists and talented people out there. This space is about awe and entertainment that I wish to provide to all the readers, all while fostering trust and confidence in the content on the website.

Herein, I create, curate (and sometimes compile) various lists/articles of different niches, ranging from DIY to health, arts, crafts, photography, repurpose, technology, etc.

While this space keeps me busy (and away from scrolling Reels on Instagram), it also helps me provide for Dinn and myself. It also keeps my instinct of appreciating talent alive! I love all the talent that people have around the world, and sometimes wish I was as creative as them!

How to contact me? It’s simple; just write to me at hello@dinnerica.com. I am not much active on Facebook or Instagram, but respond to e-mails within 48 hours! Let’s connect!