Just imagine you are crossing a subway or just wandering in a park, and come across some magical doodles that seem to have been perfectly drawn and placed, just so perfectly synchronized with the surroundings that you just can’t do anything but fall for their cuteness and get filled with awe and appreciation for the artist! Yes, coming across number of lovable doodles at the most unlikely places; it can’t get cuter than this!

That’s what David Zinn does the best. David is known for his “ephemeral art” or what can be said as temporary artwork that he does using just a chalk and charcoal. He doodles cute animals and creatures at places he deems appropriate, making the overall artwork look adorable and meaningful. One can come across his work on the streets and parks of Ann Arbor in Michigan. As his artwork is temporary, it is short-lived.

The artist claims that he chooses his spots randomly and is driven by his natural instinct of filling in blank spaces and missing pieces. His drawings can be found anywhere from pavement to holes, within cracks, grooves, etc. He also tells that the changing seasons, weather and bulk of botanical variety in the area of Ann Arbor give him ample room for finding that perfect place for his next doodle.

David says this work makes him feel calm and acts like a therapy. Because of the short-lived nature of his artwork, he isn’t worried about irrelevant things like preservation, practicality, commercial value, etc. He just enjoys his work! He also loves the conversations when random people appreciate his work.

David Zinn also has quite a bit of books to his name, like Temporary Preserves, Underfoot Menagerie and The Untold Tales of Nadine. He wishes to travel different countries and showcase his artwork there.

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