Parrot Pals: Exciting Crafts and Activities for Children

In continuation to the last parrot couple tutorial I did for Dinn, I also thought of creating some fun activities for him around the same bird. Actually, he loves parrots and is very fond of Angry Birds Rio Carnival game. I try to limit his screen-time and get him engaged in craft activities.

This time I actually compiled some parrot craft activities and recreated them for him. He loved them all!

Here are some of the parrot crafts I created for Dinn. All of these are easy and I believe your kid, too, can easily work on most, if not all. Most of these crafts require cardboard cut-outs along with other basic material that is almost available at home.

Hope you too like these parrot craft activities!

Cardboard Parrot Craft Activity

Easy Hand Print Parrot Craft Activity

Easy Parrot Craft Activity

Easy Parrot Paper Craft Activity

Hand Cutouts Parrot Craft Activity

P is For Parrot Craft Activity

Paper Plate Parrot Craft For Kids

Simple Hand Print Parrot Craft

Simple Paper Parrot Craft Activity For Kids

Twirling Parrot Bird Craft For Kids

Let me know which one is your favorite. Mine was the last one out of this list.