Nothing a big hearty bowl of oats can’t fix😌 I seriously can’t believe that I used to eat my oatmeal WITHOUT a mountain of toppings on it… ew😩

Oatmeal is literally a powerhouse. I’ve always LOVED going on long walks as a form of movement for my body (+ the mental clarity that comes with it !!!), but this new lockdown really has made me appreciate how amazing it truly is. To keep up with the amount of steps i’m doing, i gottaaa fuel up baabbbyyy! Carbs are the bodies main source of energy and it’s so important that we give ourselves what we need. I can full-heartedly say that I wouldn’t be able to sustain my daily lonnnng walks without carbing up before hand…. FOOD IS FUEL🤍❤️

– quick oats
– vanilla protein from drinkorgain
– cinnamon
– blueberries
– strawberries
– bananas
– chia seeds
– cinnamon granola from kashi_ca
– natural crunchy peanut butter from kraftpeanutbutter_ca

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