Brenda, one of my close friends, called me up the other day to discuss a small issue that she had been facing from the past few days. Her son, Bran, she said had become fussy and was always wanting to be into her mobile phone.
Brenda said that Bran doesn’t eat anything if he doesn’t have the phone in front, and it has become increasingly difficult for the couple to discipline the kid over the past few days.
Although it is one of the common problems with kids these days, there’s a strong yet simple reason behind it. I asked Brenda if she’s on the phone most of her time while Bran is there. Her answer was yes; and that’s where the problem was.
Kids will do what they see you doing. In most cases, it is the phone. Our kids see us on the phones, and learn the same thing. If your kids see you reading, they’ll develop this habit of reading naturally. One of my friends from India, Rohan, made me learn this point, and I was like – wow – Rohan is absolutely right!
This is the reason I have very limited screen time and I also keep Dinn away from most of the screens in home – be it television, phone or even my laptop.
I generally do constructive things when Dinn is around, and he helps me in all those things. In fact, he has naturally developed interest towards crafts, reading and other activities that I do.
So, from the past one week, I have been engaging Dinn and myself in some craft activities.
It will be good if you can engage your kid(s) too into these. All these paper craft ideas are easy to execute and fun to do. Hope you like them!
3D Paper Caterpillar with Template
Confetti Bookmarks for Kids
Curled Paper Spring Flowers
Cute Kitty-Themed Gift Box
DIY Paper Chain Rainbow Wall Hanging
DIY Paper Mask Craft for Kids
Easy Butterfly Wrapping Paper with a 3D Effect
Easy Dragon Puppet
Folded Bracelets
Colorful Paper Garland
Painted Snake
Paper Cat Pencil Holder
Paper Chain
Paper Fish Craft Idea
Paper Jellyfish Craft
Paper Weaving Craft for Kids
Perfect Parakeets
Sun and Moon Craft
Bug Cards
Umbrellas with Raindrops
As always, let me know your favorite ones out of the above.