Green Building: Chinese Architect Uses 8,500 Beer Bottles for his Creative Reuse Project

What would you choose to make your office space with? At least, not beer bottles, right? But Li Rongjun from Chongqing, China did. Yes! Li constructed his office space using a whopping 8,500 beer bottles!

It took him nearly $11,000 and 4 months to complete this never-thought-of-before project. His father assisted him in installing the layers of bottles in order the make the structure uncompromising.

Li Rongjun is an architect by profession and has worked for number of local construction companies in the past; however, he had a dream to make a unique office space of his own, and he did it using 8,500 beer bottles in a 300-square foot office!

Li has truly taken usage of beer bottles to a new level. The structure looks even more beautiful at night-time.

Wonder where did he source these many bottles from?