How have I waited so long to try this until now🥲 This was honestly the most delicious and satisfying lunch. It’s so simple to make and you can just throw whatever you’d like on top! I was craving some crunch so I threw on some Gardein Chickun Tenders which was a solid choice! Also, tortilla pizzas should NEVERRR replace actual pizza…this is just a convenient, creative + quite frankly, ✨pretty✨ lunch option! Actual pizza will always have my heart …💁‍♀️

– tortilla from latortillafactory
– lime chipotle breaded chickun from gardein
– hot banana peppers
– red onion
– italian herbs
– TONS OF NOOCH (always trying to up my b12 and protein intake…also makes it super cheezy🤌)

Bake at 400 for around 10 minutes until the edges are crispy! I topped mine with more nooch, some arugula, and balsamic glaze! 🌱

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