Beginner’s Tutorial: Drawing Endearing Parrot Couples

Many a times you must have seen a couple of birds together. It’s always such a calming experience to hear birds chirp, busy in their own world, singing and flying here and there! It’s always a different feeling seeing a couple, for they have a different kind of bonding and exhibit a special behavior.

The other day, Dinn saw two parrots together, which I assume must be a couple, and I felt like drawing one for him, on his canvas, but the challenge was that it may be a little too tough for him to make such a drawing at this stage.

Therefore, I chose to make him learn step-by-step. Here’s how I made him learn to draw the endearing parrot couple.

Step 1

Write four 2s in a row, as seen in the photo. Make sure the size of the digits is neither too big nor too small.

Step 2

Next step is to draw two half-loops above the digits (as seen in the image above). These loops will act as the heads of the parrots.

Step 3

Now, draw their beaks and eyes (as shown in the image). You may draw the beaks and eyes according to your wish (whether you want them to face each other or in one direction).

Step 4

Now draw a branch on which the parrots will be seated. Make sure you make the parrots’ feet too. See the image for details.

Step 5

Now is the penultimate step – to draw parrots’ tails. You’ll need to be cautious when drawing tails as these need to be made in proportion with the body of the parrots. These should neither be too short nor be too long.

Your parrot couple is ready! Now is the time to color them (in the next step)!

Step 6

Finally, it’s time to color the parrots. Although, you can choose the colors of your choice, I used light & dark greens, yellow, white, black and brown.

The materials that I used to make the entire painting included pencil, black marker pen, eraser, and crayons (red, light & dark green, yellow, brown and white).

Hope you liked this tutorial. It’s super-easy and can be made by just anyone!